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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Love Challenge... And REAL LIFE meaning!

Freshly minted in my consciousness, the words hit me hard. 'Not what do I need... but what do I have to offer?' Just a few, short hours the night before, through the screen of my i-pad, God spoke to me those very words. And suddenly, right then. In that very place! God's words had meaning. Real life meaning! I had something tremendous to offer; friendship, kindness, reassurance, but mostly LOVE, God's love. In me. Pouring out. 

If as Christ followers, we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, it's not enough to open our spaces, our gifts, our time;  if we don't first open our hearts. Jesus' said 'If you've done this to the least of these then you've done it unto me.' If you are feeling frustrated, discouraged, lonely, or fearful;  why not encourage another? I can promise you the blessings you receive from being the blessing will far outweigh those of the recipient! Oh that you may experience the love of Christ and be filled with all the fullness of God. (Eph. 3:19) #TheLoveChallenge #MyPrayerForYou

In the wake of the new year, I issued myself a personal challenge 'To be so FULL of God's love that I could not fathom speaking an unkind word or doing an unkind deed.' Would you like to join me in my quest!? If so, I would love to hear from you! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

{new year} Inspiration for the Studio!

How is your new year going so far? Have you messed up those New Year's resolutions yet!? I know I have. In the wake of the new year, I issued myself a 2014 personal challenge 'To be so FULL of God's love that I could not fathom speaking an unkind word or doing an unkind deed' and then I invited my friends and family to join my quest. And guess what!? Yep!!! I have already failed, {miserably.} Multiple times. But yet, no worries... {it is okay.} Why!? Because I know I am loved! EVEN when I fail, {miserably.} And guess what, YOU are loved too. Did you know that!? By me and by the very ONE who knows the number of hairs on your head. So relax, pick yourself up, and {simply} try again. If you would you like to join me in my quest, I would love to hear from you. By the way, the artwork below is my {new year} Inspiration for the Studio. It makes my heart happy. And I love that by sheer coincidence the words Believe. LOVE. Hope. are readable on the candle in this picture. {happy accident.} Here's hoping that you have your best day ever today and that 2014 is your BEST year yet! 
Thnx @kings_daughters for my {new year} Inspiration for the Studio artwork! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

'Protools and Why Singers Should Study Vocal Technique'

Thought for the day:  Why should we study technique as singers!? As I've said before, we study technique in order to get it out of the way. And I wholeheartedly believe that! But with today's modern technology, a skilled engineer can thread a great recording out of bits and pieces of a mediocre performance. As long as one 'good' consonant, sustain, emotion, etc. is in the can... You get the picture. So why bother, right!? (Putting aside the singers inability to produce it live, well that's a whole different post in itself!?) But last week as I vocalized an outstanding young artist for a recording session, I stumbled onto a little something that was worthwhile to share on the matter! PROTOOLS can make you sing in tune but it can't take it out of your nose!? THAT has to be done in-house. If your voice lacks depth, flexibility, or clarity that too cannot be addressed with the click of a mouse. It can only be covered up! (Think auto tuning to the extreme.) If you are struggling with singing out of tune or you regularly experience frustration while singing, THOSE challenges are an indication that your singing fundamentally lacks vocal balance. Simply put, you lack an ease of getting out of the bottom of your voice and into the top (and/or vice verse.) The process of singing has become jammed up or 'mucky' for you. But rest assured, you are not alone! This is where 99.9% of ALL singers struggle. The way we deal with this dilemma as singers denotes our individual tendencies; to push it in our nose, to crack it in the top, to over culture it, to sing ourselves hoarse... But learning to sing in a vocally balanced manner is easier than you might think and results in a voice that is uncluttered and unmanufactured and is easily produced across your ENTIRE vocal range in a clear, flexible tone at any dynamic level.  So why not give it a try!? Most see dramatic results in their very first lesson! Book now:  Rachel@RachelRainsVocalStudio.com 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dear Mean Girl

Recently while thinking through a particular sticky situation, I wrote the following piece 'Dear Mean Girl...' Although the subject matter is a slight departure from what I might usually post on my RRVS social media pages, I felt the words were powerful enough to share! Please feel free to repost...
Many Blessings! 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

'The Recording Process... How to Get the Most Out of It!?'

I am often asked by singers for advice on 'the recording process...' Here is a very short but helpful list of things I've learned over the years for achieving great results in the studio... Happy reading and recording!

1) While levels are being set, sing your song on a vocal exercise (ex: on a gee.) Provided you know the right exercises to use, by the time the levels are set, you should be vocally balanced and ready to record!

2) Singers are almost always more 'loose' and 'in the pocket' by the end of the session. So ninety-nine percent of the time I will RE-record the first line or two of a song at the end of a session. Since it is the first thing a listener will hear, I want it to be compelling and commanding of attention! Give it a try!

3) Lastly, do your FINAL listening back while cleaning up the studio of the days' trash. When I am inactively 'listening down' is usually when I will hear something that 'I don't like and can't live with'... So, I fix it!

Bonus Tip:
If you are considering recording soon, schedule a vocal tune-up to insure your best, vocally! Remember, as singers we study technique in order to get it out of the way! To schedule a pre-recording consultation, contact me at RRVS@comcast.net

Monday, January 7, 2013

'Les Miserables...' Purists vs Non-Purists. Can't We All Just Get Along!?

Much controversy has ensued since the release of Les Miserables and everyone seems to have an opinion. Live singing vs prerecorded. Singers vs actors. Purists vs well... non-purists! Its almost a West Side Story of 'schools of thought.' Can't we all just get along!?

"Did I hear a wobble in Hugh Jackman's voice? Yes! But I heard him overcome it. Did I hear Amanda Seyfried sing too lightly in her chest causing her at times to almost push sharp? Yes! But I also heard her overcoming it. Did I hear Anne Hathaway go too wide in the top resulting in a strained top? Yes! But again... she overcame it." The result, I believe, of the actors' diligent work. They are all GREAT actors and actresses who sang technically well to their God given ability. Applaud them for achieving that 'fullest' potential. Don't criticize them for what they lack in raw, vocal talent.

The only real disappointment to me was in the only 'true' singer in the cast, Samantha Barks. She should have delivered a 'stand out' vocal performance. But instead, she pulled her chest voice way too high and therefore had to drop ALL of the weight - all of a sudden - in the top. Therefore, she lost ALL of her power on those top pitches! Which are the 'money' notes of the song! Disappointing... And sad for her. She definitely could have benefitted from a hard MIX not a mixed belt approach to singing. Oh well... 'Nuff said. But I did NOT let it ruin the whole movie for me!

See the film for what it is! Lighten up and enjoy! After all... the book is 1400+ pages!

What's that... What is a hard MIX you ask!? A hard MIX gives the impression of belting BUT without the strain that comes from 'pulling straight chest.' Because it is a 'truer' balance between registers than a 'mixed belt,' it is a much more effective tool for powerful singing and is used by many R&B singers of today. If you would like to discover just how POWERFUL your own voice can be, contact me at RRVS@comcast.net.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"It's That Time of Year... Audition Season! Helpful Advice on How to Get Noticed and Keep Them Begging For More'

Well that time of year is already upon us once again... No, not the holidays! AUDITIONS for this years' upcoming seasons of all your favorite 'talent seeking' television shows. If you are one of this years' season 'hopefuls,'  here is some helpful advice on how to get noticed and make it to the next round...

First and foremost, the people you are auditioning for ultimately are casting a television show and it is THEIR job to cast the show with a talented ensemble of familiar but fresh characters. But you can make their job EASY early on by defining who you are as an artist and understanding that identity. Are you the 'sensitive, indie musician,' the 'pop darling' the 'rebellious, rocker dude,' the 'country cutie' or the 'r&b diva!?'  Choose a song that best captures the essence of WHO you are as an artist. Keep your selection current and recognizable or better yet offer a fresh approach to an old favorite.  But dress the part! Act the part! And most importantly, BE the part! Play up those strengths and characteristics that make you, YOU! Impostors will be moved to the end of the line!

Next, you must remember you only have a few seconds in what is a VERY long day for the casting director to make a favorable impression! So MAKE your time count! Although cutting your song choice down to a typical 'verse and a chorus' length may feel like torture, it is a necessary evil. BUT if you do it well, you can 'pack a powerful punch' in those 32 bars. Here are just a few things to keep in mind...
     1) Get to the good stuff, and FAST! If it's the bridge then start there! If it means give 'em a little taste to savor, hinting at your brilliance, and then hitting 'em with the big stuff then do that! But by all means show off your BEST vocal assets and do it quickly!

     2) Once started, Do NOT come up for air! Rush every entrance... pushing the beat forward! After all, the music you are pausing for is only playing 'in your head' and any pause gives the adjudicator a chance to politely cut you off! So keep the song moving at a swift pace but NEVER sound as if you are in a race.

     3) Give your song an ending and a good one to boot! No unfinished business here, people! Add a tag, slow it down, opt for a higher pitch. But DO something that lets the listener know your time together is quickly coming to a close signaling that you're  a seasoned artist who is prepared and cares enough to give the very best musical experience you can give in WHATEVER amount of allotted time you're given.

Lastly, hone in on on your delivery. Don't just dial in a performance.  EXPLOIT every emotion, tempo change, dynamic, inflection, and riff! Push the envelope on everything! ie: If its quiet, be very quiet. If its lamenting, wail. If it slows, slam on the brake. etc... DON'T  just hint at it! MAKE IT OBVIOUS that what you're doing is intentional! 'Go big or go home' as they say! Leave it all on the 'audition floor' keeping them just where you want them - on the edge of their seats begging for more!

SO you got a call back!?  Now what... Go 'unplugged', 'rev' it up a little, or show a more sophisticated side. Whatever it is... Stay true to the 'home base' you established early on as an artist. (In other words, don't become Kelly Clarkson when you introduced them to Kellie Pickler!) By introducing this NEW dimension of artistry and sensitivity with each additional song you sing, you keep the adjudicator intrigued and coming back for more! They already like you! So why not give them a reason to LOVE you!?