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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

'Protools and Why Singers Should Study Vocal Technique'

Thought for the day:  Why should we study technique as singers!? As I've said before, we study technique in order to get it out of the way. And I wholeheartedly believe that! But with today's modern technology, a skilled engineer can thread a great recording out of bits and pieces of a mediocre performance. As long as one 'good' consonant, sustain, emotion, etc. is in the can... You get the picture. So why bother, right!? (Putting aside the singers inability to produce it live, well that's a whole different post in itself!?) But last week as I vocalized an outstanding young artist for a recording session, I stumbled onto a little something that was worthwhile to share on the matter! PROTOOLS can make you sing in tune but it can't take it out of your nose!? THAT has to be done in-house. If your voice lacks depth, flexibility, or clarity that too cannot be addressed with the click of a mouse. It can only be covered up! (Think auto tuning to the extreme.) If you are struggling with singing out of tune or you regularly experience frustration while singing, THOSE challenges are an indication that your singing fundamentally lacks vocal balance. Simply put, you lack an ease of getting out of the bottom of your voice and into the top (and/or vice verse.) The process of singing has become jammed up or 'mucky' for you. But rest assured, you are not alone! This is where 99.9% of ALL singers struggle. The way we deal with this dilemma as singers denotes our individual tendencies; to push it in our nose, to crack it in the top, to over culture it, to sing ourselves hoarse... But learning to sing in a vocally balanced manner is easier than you might think and results in a voice that is uncluttered and unmanufactured and is easily produced across your ENTIRE vocal range in a clear, flexible tone at any dynamic level.  So why not give it a try!? Most see dramatic results in their very first lesson! Book now:  Rachel@RachelRainsVocalStudio.com 

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