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Monday, January 7, 2013

'Les Miserables...' Purists vs Non-Purists. Can't We All Just Get Along!?

Much controversy has ensued since the release of Les Miserables and everyone seems to have an opinion. Live singing vs prerecorded. Singers vs actors. Purists vs well... non-purists! Its almost a West Side Story of 'schools of thought.' Can't we all just get along!?

"Did I hear a wobble in Hugh Jackman's voice? Yes! But I heard him overcome it. Did I hear Amanda Seyfried sing too lightly in her chest causing her at times to almost push sharp? Yes! But I also heard her overcoming it. Did I hear Anne Hathaway go too wide in the top resulting in a strained top? Yes! But again... she overcame it." The result, I believe, of the actors' diligent work. They are all GREAT actors and actresses who sang technically well to their God given ability. Applaud them for achieving that 'fullest' potential. Don't criticize them for what they lack in raw, vocal talent.

The only real disappointment to me was in the only 'true' singer in the cast, Samantha Barks. She should have delivered a 'stand out' vocal performance. But instead, she pulled her chest voice way too high and therefore had to drop ALL of the weight - all of a sudden - in the top. Therefore, she lost ALL of her power on those top pitches! Which are the 'money' notes of the song! Disappointing... And sad for her. She definitely could have benefitted from a hard MIX not a mixed belt approach to singing. Oh well... 'Nuff said. But I did NOT let it ruin the whole movie for me!

See the film for what it is! Lighten up and enjoy! After all... the book is 1400+ pages!

What's that... What is a hard MIX you ask!? A hard MIX gives the impression of belting BUT without the strain that comes from 'pulling straight chest.' Because it is a 'truer' balance between registers than a 'mixed belt,' it is a much more effective tool for powerful singing and is used by many R&B singers of today. If you would like to discover just how POWERFUL your own voice can be, contact me at RRVS@comcast.net.

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