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Monday, November 12, 2012

God Did Not Intend For Singing To Be So Hard...

Do you ever feel as if you work way too hard at singing? I often find myself saying to singers in the studio 'God didn't intend for singing to be so hard!'

But nowadays, due to the plethora of information available (some good and some bad,)  many singers suffer from TMI  (too much information) and begin to distrust their own innate ability to distinguish what 'feels' wrong and what 'feels' right. 

Further, in an effort to help/assist the singing process, singers actually begin to insert tension into their OWN voices. Thus getting in their OWN way of producing a relaxed, healthy sound. Does this sound familiar!? 

As a singer, what you really should be striving for is developing your own innate sense of balance or 'feel' for your voice. Why not ask yourself "Does my voice 'feel' even or balanced when singing throughout my range without any of the pitches feeling stronger or weaker than others!?" Or how about asking yourself "Does it 'feel' as easy to sing in the top of my range as it does in the bottom and vice verse?" 

Why SHOULD singing be so hard? I can't imagine God EVER having intended it to be that way!?

My friend and mentor, Seth Riggs, said it best when he said  "Good singing (referring to Speech Level Singing) is an absolute refusal on the singers behalf to assist or help the pitch in any way." When is the last time you felt like THAT while singing!? 

If you desire a method of singing that allows you to sing comfortably throughout your range with increased pitch control, agility, and stamina, then why not give Speech Level Singing a try!? And leave the TMI forever behind...

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