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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

{new year} Inspiration for the Studio!

How is your new year going so far? Have you messed up those New Year's resolutions yet!? I know I have. In the wake of the new year, I issued myself a 2014 personal challenge 'To be so FULL of God's love that I could not fathom speaking an unkind word or doing an unkind deed' and then I invited my friends and family to join my quest. And guess what!? Yep!!! I have already failed, {miserably.} Multiple times. But yet, no worries... {it is okay.} Why!? Because I know I am loved! EVEN when I fail, {miserably.} And guess what, YOU are loved too. Did you know that!? By me and by the very ONE who knows the number of hairs on your head. So relax, pick yourself up, and {simply} try again. If you would you like to join me in my quest, I would love to hear from you. By the way, the artwork below is my {new year} Inspiration for the Studio. It makes my heart happy. And I love that by sheer coincidence the words Believe. LOVE. Hope. are readable on the candle in this picture. {happy accident.} Here's hoping that you have your best day ever today and that 2014 is your BEST year yet! 
Thnx @kings_daughters for my {new year} Inspiration for the Studio artwork!