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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

'The Recording Process... How to Get the Most Out of It!?'

I am often asked by singers for advice on 'the recording process...' Here is a very short but helpful list of things I've learned over the years for achieving great results in the studio... Happy reading and recording!

1) While levels are being set, sing your song on a vocal exercise (ex: on a gee.) Provided you know the right exercises to use, by the time the levels are set, you should be vocally balanced and ready to record!

2) Singers are almost always more 'loose' and 'in the pocket' by the end of the session. So ninety-nine percent of the time I will RE-record the first line or two of a song at the end of a session. Since it is the first thing a listener will hear, I want it to be compelling and commanding of attention! Give it a try!

3) Lastly, do your FINAL listening back while cleaning up the studio of the days' trash. When I am inactively 'listening down' is usually when I will hear something that 'I don't like and can't live with'... So, I fix it!

Bonus Tip:
If you are considering recording soon, schedule a vocal tune-up to insure your best, vocally! Remember, as singers we study technique in order to get it out of the way! To schedule a pre-recording consultation, contact me at RRVS@comcast.net